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Gary Craig EFT


Audio Interviews:

Click to hear an MP3 of a recent Radio interview of Roseanna Ellis on Tampa's WMNF 88.5 FM with DJ Eluv. 20 Mbs.


The following is a list of publications and links to online articles written by Roseanna Ellis.


Universal Solutions: "Roseanna made me less of a wimp today"
-scan of article

Asbury Park Press, Health and Fitness Section: The Right Stretch
-scan of article

Jersey Sports News : Stretch Workout Does Body Good.
-scan of article

Link News : Stretching for the future.
-scan of article

Innersource.net: Energy Psychology in Disaster Relief

Rehab Management: EFT Acupressure Technique Helps Boomers Stay Active

Newsguide: Do-It-Yourself Acupressure Technique helps “Boomer-itis” Patients Stay Active

Emofree.com: Osgood-Schlatter symptoms disappear in minutes with EFT

Emofree.com: Lawyer resolves many personal traumas and writes testimonial letter.

Emofree.com: Using EFT for Performance.

Emofree.com: A typical morning for an EFT sports injury therapist: Someday professional sports teams will fall all over themselves to get these results.

Emofree.com: The client with "worry in his neck."

Emofree.com: Relieving Parkinson's symptoms, even with a language barrier--Walking like a King!

Emofree.com: Eliminating shingles pain in 1/2 hour

Emofree.com: EFT relieves a case of the Hiccups

Emofree.com: Changing a man's life with EFT--including pain, emotions and impotence

Emofree.com: Physical therapy like it should be--dramatic improvements in a rehab center.

Emofree.com: Relieving arthritis pain brings impressive side benefit





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